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Funded Traders Posted by Team Topstep June 23, 2020

Funded Trader Derek M. Is A True Family Man

The road to becoming a Topstep Funded Trader was not an easy one for Derek M. from Kansas. It took him a while to truly find his balance, but let me tell you, since he earned his wings, he’s been nothing short of an inspiration for the rest of us.

Listen To Derek Tell His Story


Lessons Learned

Derek got his start in trading a few years back when he opened a Forex brokerage account. He learned the hard way that most new traders fail to achieve success simply because their account is under-funded. Focusing on the process is difficult when you’re preoccupied with thoughts of your next trade potentially blowing you out, which is eventually what happened to him.

His early losses are what led him to Topstep. Derek realized that he had a passion for trading and that success could be possible if he had the opportunity to hone his skills without having to dish out a whole lot of money. After doing some research on the best proprietary trading groups out there, here landed on Topstep, and he’s ours for the win!

Making the Most of It

As an ICU nurse, Derek is no stranger to overcoming stressful situations. It took him some time to successfully pass Step 2 of the Trading Combine and earn his Funded Account, and there’s little doubt that he probably considered giving up a few times, but he stuck it out and showed us all how persistence really can pay off.

Over the last three weeks, Derek has withdrawn $15K from his Funded Account. This is one of the best winning streaks we’ve seen in a while. And guess what he’s doing with the money? If you didn’t guess that he’s buying a new minivan for his family, then you lose. What a guy!

As for his advice for making it through the Trading Combine? Derek truly believes that not rushing and taking the time to learn and do it right will make all the difference in the future.

Great call, and keep those big wins coming!

Stay safe and trade well!