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Trading Education Posted by Team Topstep March 15, 2019

Outliers, Trading Hogs and Taking the Loss with Linda Raschke

On this special episode and Season 1 Finale of Limit Up!, John Hoagland and Mark Meadows talk with Linda Raschke about her newest book “Trading Sardines” and some of her personal highlights as a trader, including how she recovered from some of her biggest trading losses and how she built up the stomach for outlier events. 

Linda Raschke is a successful active trader and money manager with an impressive track record of almost forty years and an esteemed profile with Market Wizards. She is also a returning guest to the show. In Linda’s third second appearance on Limit Up!, hear her take on:
[03:49] Her latest book Trading Sardines
[06:07] What a formula for success looks like
[08:02] Creating communities in trading
[10:46] The importance of correcting mistakes immediately
[13:17] Having the stomach for a big loss
[15:23] Surviving outlier events
[17:10] Investing in hogs when Swine Flu hit
[19:05] How to manage emotions when trading
[23:57] Watching the volatility in your bottom line
[25:46] Why you might ignore your P&L after a big loss
[28:16] Having a process and staying accountable
[31:31] Finding success after a period of losses
[33:19] Staying in the game
Be sure to catch up with Linda Raschke on Twitter @LindaRaschke and get a preview of her new book at

Podcast episode production by Dante32.